arctic fox

Explore everything you need for an incredible November journey in Iceland. Whether you’re after insights on Iceland’s November weather or tips to boost your chances of catching the northern lights, we’ve got you covered. Expect a lineup of the best activities, exciting itineraries, and top-tier tours to make your Iceland November trip truly unforgettable.

November in Iceland offers a plethora of tours to dive into, from ice caving to aurora hunting. If you’re up for your personal northern lights quest, our tip is to grab a rental car and venture into Iceland’s countryside. And for a sweet spot to crash without breaking the bank, check out our accommodations and find your cozy haven in this captivating land of ice and fire!

It’s your chance to dive into adventurous escapades like ice caving and snowmobiling, but there’s also a surprise waiting around every corner—think diving and snorkeling! But hold up before you start packing! Let’s tackle a crucial question: What’s the scoop on November weather in Iceland?

Iceland Weather in November

iceland beach

You know, there’s this old saying they toss around in Iceland: ‘If you don’t like the weather, just give it five minutes.’ It might sound like a joke, but there’s some real wisdom in there. Icelandic weather is like a box of chocolates; you never quite know what you’re gonna get!

And November in Iceland? Well, it’s a bit like a rollercoaster. One moment, you’re basking in warmth and dry skies, the next you’re dealing with a chilly drizzle, and then suddenly, you’ve got snowflakes doing a dance around you. But here’s the deal – when it comes to Icelandic winters, November tends to be a bit more ‘stable’ compared to the wilder months, making it a pretty sweet time to experience the country.

Iceland's November Temperature and Daylight Duration

So, in November, if you find yourself in Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital, you’ll be dancing between the chilly zones of 33°F to 46°F (that’s roughly 1°C to 8°C). But once you venture beyond the city limits, especially in places like the high-altitude Icelandic Highlands, you can expect even frostier temps.

Speaking of November, it’s like the month of cozy blankets for Iceland. Clouds decide to gather around more often, going from a 66% chance of photobombing your view to a whopping 72%.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting – November’s got a time management issue. At the start, you’ve got a generous eight hours of daylight to play with. But as the month marches on, that clock doesn’t play nice. Come November 16th, the sun decides to sleep in until 10 AM and takes an early nap at 4 PM. By late November, it’s like you’re on a daylight diet – just five hours of sunshine on the last day of the month.

But hey, don’t let that cramp your style. With some smart planning, you can still have a blast. And if you’re on the hunt for those mystical northern lights, think of the extra dark hours as your VIP ticket to the aurora show. More nighttime means more chances to catch those shimmering wonders in action!

Iceland's November Precipitation: Rain, Snow, and Sleet

iceland valley

Okay, here’s the scoop on November’s precipitation in Iceland – things start to get a bit wet and wild. In Reykjavik, you can expect around 3.4 inches (that’s about 8.7 centimeters) of snowfall. That’s like six times more than October, but still just half of what usually happens in December. Oh, and rain, sleet, and hail? Yep, they’re part of the November package deal. So, dress like you’re about to conquer the cold! Thermals and a trusty warm jacket? Consider them your BFFs on this trip!

Now, safety talk time – with all this rain and snow, things can get tricky out there. Especially on Iceland’s mountain roads, charmingly known as ‘F roads. ‘ They’re off-limits for a reason – think avalanches, shaky terrain, and the risk of getting stuck far from civilization.

Bottom line: don’t even think about venturing onto these closed roads. It’s not just against the law, it’s downright dangerous. The fines? They’re wallet-busters, and you might find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere. Plus, rental car companies are pretty savvy – they can track if their vehicles go where they shouldn’t, and that could mean a hefty bill when you return the car. So, be smart, stay safe, and stick to the open roads.

Now, if you’ve got your heart set on exploring a particular spot and the route’s a puzzle you can’t solve, there’s a genius solution – book a tour! Tour operators are like your local experts, with the right wheels and know-how to tackle the wild terrain safely. So, when in doubt, let the pros guide the way!

Activities to Enjoy in Iceland during November

Winter is slowly creeping in, opening up a world of icy adventures without going full-blown Arctic. Plus, good news, the southern parts of the Ring Road are usually A-OK for exploration.

So, here’s your hotlist of must-dos in Iceland for November. Top of the charts is the incredible ice cave experience. Picture this: you step inside a cave adorned with sparkling pale-blue ice that’s straight out of a dream. It’s a mix of thrill and enchantment that you won’t want to miss.

Oh, and don’t even think about leaving your camera behind! These ice caves are like nature’s hidden gems, forming inside Iceland’s glaciers during the winter. And guess what? Each year, new caves and networks are born, which means every visitor gets to witness something truly one-of-a-kind.

Here’s the deal with ice caving – it’s like entering a whole new world, but you can’t just waltz in solo. Nope, you need a trusty tour guide to make it happen. They’ve got your back, ensuring you’re safe and kitted out with all the gear you’ll need, from crampons to a sturdy helmet. If you’re looking for one of the best ice-caving adventures, consider the journey into the Vatnajokull glacier’s icy heart, starting from the breathtaking Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon. It’s like stepping into a fairy tale!

Now, here’s the twist – not all ice caves are naturally carved by Mother Nature. Some are actually man-made wonders! There’s this epic natural ice cave beneath the colossal Vatnajokull glacier, and then there’s the Langjokull glacier’s human-made ice tunnel. Picture this: rooms, ice statues, and even furniture all carved from ice. It’s a jaw-dropping spectacle that you absolutely have to see!

Exploring Iceland's Golden Circle in November

Geyser geothermal area

Alright, let’s dive into the Golden Circle – it’s like a superstar playlist of Iceland’s top attractions. This route is your ticket to exploring the wonders of Southwest Iceland, and it’s got three big hits:
Gullfoss Waterfall: This one’s a showstopper, trust me. When you see Gullfoss in all its glory, you’ll know why it’s a must-visit.

Thingvellir National Park: Nature meets history here, and it’s a pretty epic combo. Walk in the footsteps of ancient lawmakers and soak in the natural beauty.

The Geysir Geothermal Area: Picture geysers shooting hot water into the air. That’s what’s cooking at the Geysir Geothermal Area.

You’ve got options galore for exploring these amazing places in November! Whether you’re up for a DIY road trip or prefer a guided adventure, it’s all doable. If you’re taking the wheel, go for a sturdy 4×4, Jeep, or SUV to tackle any winter surprises.

Not a fan of winter driving? No sweat! We’ve got you covered. Try a thrilling one-day Golden Circle tour, hitting all the highlights. Or go big with our two-day Golden Circle and South Coast tour, including the Secret Lagoon, Seljalandsfoss & Skogarfoss waterfalls, and the famous Black Beach. Your call!

November's Northern Lights in Iceland

A man watching the Northern Lights in Iceland

November in Iceland – it’s like a front-row seat to the mesmerizing northern lights show! You see, as the days shrink and nights grow longer, your chances of catching those enchanting lights in action go way up. Picture this: the sky comes alive with vibrant hues of green, purple, white, and yellow as the northern lights perform their dance. It’s pure magic, and you won’t want to miss it.

Here’s the deal – those solar winds that paint the northern lights happen year-round, but they’re kind of shy during daylight hours. Winter is when they really come out to play, so keep those peepers skyward! Now, if you’ve ever heard from someone lucky enough to witness this spectacle, they’ll tell you the secret sauce for spotting the aurora in Iceland: high solar activity and clear skies. It’s like a cosmic jackpot waiting to happen!

Capturing the Northern Lights in Iceland's November Glow

Northern Lights above a boat in Iceland

For all you nature-loving shutterbugs out there, this is your golden chance to capture the northern lights in all their glory. Trust me, these lights are like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get with each sighting, and they love to surprise you!
Now, with the light conditions being a bit moody, it’s smart to do a tad bit of homework before you dive into northern lights photography. Besides your trusty camera, the unsung hero you need is a rock-solid tripod – that’s your photography BFF.

But here’s the cool part – if you’re an amateur photographer looking to level up, consider snagging a spot on a northern lights tour led by a seasoned photographer. It’s like hitting the photography jackpot! They’ll not only take you to the primo spots for gazing and snapping the lights but also drop some priceless knowledge bombs on camera settings, focus, and perspective.

Oh, and here’s a little bonus – Icelanders are all about that cozy factor. When they go northern lights hunting, they bring along a flask of piping hot chocolate. Yum, right? It’s like sipping on warmth while you soak in the cosmic beauty!

November's Delight: The Blue Lagoon and Iceland's Natural Hot Springs

Blue Lagoon in Iceland above

Let me paint you a picture of one of the most enchanting experiences in Iceland – it’s right up there with the Reykjavik nightlife scene. I’m talking about soaking in those naturally heated pools scattered all across the country, and let me tell you, both visitors and locals can’t get enough of them.

Icelanders have mastered the art of spending hours this way, just chatting and embracing the wonders of Mother Nature. Taking a dip in a hot spring is like a local tradition you absolutely can’t miss! And here’s the cherry on top – most of these natural hot springs are nestled in the countryside, far from the pesky city lights.

So, if you decide to unwind in one of these pools, you might just get treated to a dazzling northern lights display. Now, here’s a little insider tip – sliding into a hot spring? Pure bliss. Climbing out into the chilly air? Not so much fun. So, always have your clothes close at hand. Trust me, you’ll want to minimize your exposure to that chilly Icelandic air!

Exploring Iceland's Blue Lagoon in November

aurora corona east iceland

Now, let me introduce you to the superstar of hot spring pools in Iceland (and quite possibly the whole wide world) – the Blue Lagoon. This place is like no other, famous for its mesmerizing pale-blue waters, brimming with natural minerals. Word on the street is that the water here has some serious healing mojo, which is probably why it’s transformed into such a sought-after spa retreat.

Guess what? You can soak in the Blue Lagoon all year round, even in November. But, and it’s a big but, this place is seriously popular. So, if you’re dreaming of a dip, you better secure your Blue Lagoon tickets well in advance. Trust me, showing up without a reservation might lead to some major disappointment.

Now, here’s the cool part – there’s another top-notch geothermal spa right in the capital region, making it super convenient from Reykjavik’s city center. It goes by the name Sky Lagoon, and it’s the new kid on the block since 2021. But let me tell you, it’s already making waves with its hot infinity pool that gazes out over the ocean and a rejuvenating 7-step ritual that’ll send your senses to cloud nine. It’s like a slice of heaven on Earth!

November Horseback Adventures in Iceland

icelandic horse

Let’s talk about November horseback adventures – they’re an absolute hoot! But here’s the deal – Icelandic weather can be a bit all over the place. One moment, you’re cruising through lush farmlands, and the next, you’re riding across snowy meadows or tackling frozen patches and maybe even the occasional river crossing.

But here’s the golden ticket – no matter where your ride takes you, those Icelandic horses have got your back, and hooves! Icelandic horses are like the MVPs of handling tough climates. They’ve got this double coat that keeps them toasty in the cold, and they’re built sturdy and strong. Plus, they’ve got personalities for days, so don’t be shocked if you end up forming a real bond with your four-legged buddy.

Your guides will set you up with all the gear for a cozy ride. And if you’re new to riding, no stress—they’ll give you the lowdown. Once you’re set, it’s time to pick your horse and dive into Iceland’s stunning landscapes.

Horse riding tours in Iceland are scattered all around, each offering its own awesome views. And here’s a slick trick: Consider a tour with a transfer from Reykjavik—it’s the easy button for planning. The usual minimum age for riding is around 8 to 10 years old (depends on the tour), and most rides clock in around one to two hours.

November's Whale Watching Experience in Iceland


Whale watching? Now that’s an adventure that’s open year-round in Iceland, and trust me, it’s a real thrill, whether you go in the morning or afternoon. The cool thing is, these waters off Iceland’s coast are like a bustling marine metropolis, so you’re practically guaranteed a front-row seat to some incredible marine life. In fact, here’s the kicker – if, by some miracle, you don’t spot any whales on your boat trip, they’ll usually give you a do-over for free. Yep, you read that right!

Now, let me give you a sneak peek of who you might bump into out there. Get ready for humpback whales, orcas, minke whales, blue whales, sperm whales, and fin whales – talk about a whale bonanza! And if you’re lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of harbor porpoises or white-beaked dolphins showing off their aquatic acrobatics.

Whale-watching tours set sail from various ports all over Iceland, but the big hits are in Reykjavik and the undisputed ‘whale-watching capital of Europe,’ Husavik, up in North Iceland. So, get your binoculars ready and brace yourself for some serious whale-spotting action!

Let’s talk logistics. Husavik, that whale-watching hotspot up north? Well, reaching it during the winter can be a bit of a challenge, so if you’re in Iceland in November, you might want to stick closer to the capital. The good news is that Reykjavik has you covered with a bunch of tour operators running boat trips right from Reykjavik Harbor.
You can hop on a 3-hour whale-watching tour like this one.

And here’s a little secret for you bird lovers out there – whale-watching trips are a birdwatcher’s dream come true! While you’re scanning the seas for majestic marine giants, keep an eye on the sky too. You’re in for a treat as you spot all kinds of fascinating Icelandic birds soaring above the waves. We’re talking gulls, fulmars, puffins, ducks, and more!

Now, if the weather’s doing its best impression of a grumpy cloud, and a three-hour boat ride doesn’t sound too appealing, don’t fret. You can always check out the Whales of Iceland museum, a cozy spot that’s perfect for staying warm and dry. This place is a treasure trove of knowledge about Iceland’s unique whales and their global counterparts. Plus, they’ve got life-sized models of Iceland’s ocean giants, including the kingpin of them all, the majestic blue whale. It’s a must-visit for any wildlife enthusiast!

November's Dog Sledding Adventure in Iceland

For animal enthusiasts, there’s a unique adventure waiting in Iceland in November – dogsledding! It’s not something you’d expect, but trust me, it’s a blast, and you get to hang out with some adorable pups too! The sled dogs in Iceland are usually Greenland Dogs or Siberian Huskies.

These furry pals are not only strong but also super smart and dependable. They’ve been guiding folks through snowy landscapes for ages! Now, here’s the lowdown: Greenland Dogs may not be as speedy as Siberian Huskies, but they’ve got incredible endurance. Fun fact – in their homeland, Greenland, hunters still prefer dog sleds over snowmobiles. Talk about trusty companions, right?

When you’re out on your dog sledding adventure, your musher (the one steering the sled) is your key to this thrilling experience. They’ll share their love for this sport and give you the lowdown on how to safely handle the sled without tiring out the pups.

Usually, a sled is pulled by a team of four or five dogs, but if there are two riders, they might add more dogs to the mix. The speediest dogs can zoom at up to 20 kilometers per hour, and let me tell you, it’s an absolute blast! Plus, it’s a fantastic way to soak in Iceland’s picturesque, snow-covered landscapes.

When it comes to dog sledding in Iceland, age limits can be a bit different depending on the company. Usually, they set the age limit around 16 years old for riding the sled. But hey, some guides might let kids aged 12 and up give it a whirl—it all depends on who’s leading your tour.

November's Glacier Adventures in Iceland

glacier cave in iceland

Hey, if you’re into checking out Iceland’s awesome side, you gotta try glacier hiking. Winter’s the prime time for those massive ice caps. Walking on those glaciers is mind-blowing! You’re literally standing right there, face-to-face with these giant natural ice blocks. It’s the ultimate way to see just how massive, strong, and ancient these ice formations really are.

The guides leading glacier hikes in Iceland? Total pros. Seriously, they’re well-trained and super experienced, making sure your hike is both safe and awesome. Plus, they’ve got all the gear covered—ice axes, crampons, helmets, you name it. And here’s the cool part: they’re walking encyclopedias of glaciology. It’s like a fun, interactive lesson!

Now, when you’re up there, the views? Out of this world. Seriously, the higher you go, the more jaw-dropping it gets. Seeing Iceland from up there? It’s like unlocking a whole new level of beauty.

South Iceland’s where the action’s at—the easiest access to these epic glaciers. So, booking a hotel down there? It’s the smart move to be right in the heart of it all.

November's Snowmobile Escapades in Iceland

November in Iceland is like a snowmobiler’s dream come true. Picture this: you, a snowmobile, and vast glaciers just waiting to be conquered. If that doesn’t make your heart race, I don’t know what will!

Now, the options are pretty sweet. You can tear it up on Langjokull or Myrdalsjokull glaciers, or how about cruising the Troll Peninsula? Each tour brings its own flavor, but one thing’s for sure – you’re in for an adrenaline-packed, high-speed joyride.

Don’t sweat the small stuff; your guide’s got your back. They’ll walk you through the ins and outs of snowmobiling and gear you up with all the essentials – think thermal gear, helmets, and gloves. But remember, it’s chilly out there, so layer up! And make sure you’ve got a valid driver’s license, plus a need for speed!

November Surfing Excursions in Iceland

surf iceland

Surf’s not the first thing you think of when Iceland comes to mind, but trust me, it’s a hidden gem for thrill-seekers! Yep, you read that right, surfing in Iceland is catching some serious waves, and the local surf community is booming.

Thinking of taking the plunge? November is the time to do it. As the winds crank up, so do the waves, turning Iceland’s icy waters into a thrilling playground that’ll give Hawaii or California a run for their money.

Now, here’s the cold truth: you won’t be catching these waves in your board shorts. Nope, you’ll need a beefy 5-6 millimeter wetsuit, a trusty hood, and some snug gloves to brave the chill. Most of the action goes down on the Reykjanes peninsula, where the North Atlantic puts on a show, crashing against the rugged volcanic coastline.

When it comes to epic surf spots, Sandvik Beach on the peninsula is where the action’s at. It’s got the perfect mix of consistent waves for beginners to catch their first breaks and some killer views of the landscape. But hang tight, because surfing isn’t all about catching waves—it’s about respecting the ocean, being in top-notch shape, and having that unquenchable thirst for adventure.

And if you’re already riding the waves like a pro, it’s time to connect with the local surf scene in Iceland. These folks know their stuff and can hook you up with the best tips and recommendations for an epic surf sesh that matches your skills.

November's Submerged Adventures: Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in Iceland

scuba diving in iceland

Diving and snorkeling in Iceland might sound a bit out there, especially in the winter, but hold on to your fins because Iceland’s got a trick up its sleeve.

Enter Silfra Fissure, the superstar of snorkeling spots worldwide. This place isn’t just popular; it’s practically a snorkeler’s paradise. The coolest thing? You can dive and snorkel here all year round, even in November when the chill starts creeping in.

Now, Silfra isn’t exactly known for its bustling marine life or hidden caves. Nope, its claim to fame is crystal-clear water that’s so pristine, it’s like diving into a fairytale. The water flows down from the mighty Langjokull glacier, getting purified on its journey through the volcanic rock labyrinth at Thingvellir National Park. When it finally spills into the fissure, you’re left with an enchanting underwater world of blues and greens.

And here’s the kicker: Thanks to a gentle current, Silfra Fissure stays ice-free even in the depths of winter

Picture this: You’re floating in Silfra’s water, and it’s like being in an enchanted underwater realm. The secret sauce? A gentle current of light that not only keeps the water super clear but also acts as a natural reset button. So even if someone ahead of you stirs up a bit of sediment, it’s all good—it’ll settle in no time.

With the sun beaming down from above, you can sometimes see up to 100 meters ahead. Talk about visibility goals!

When you decide to take the plunge at Silfra, you’re in good hands. The guides here are top-notch, and they keep the groups small to ensure a safe and personalized experience. They’ll give you the 411 on what to expect, show you the ropes with your gear, and make sure you’re snug and warm before you dive in. Trust me on this one; diving in Iceland is an adventure worth writing home about.

November's Underground Exploration: Lava Caving in Iceland

November is pretty much the perfect time to go lava caving in Iceland. Trust me, it’s a surreal experience. As the mercury drops, you get these incredible ice formations inside the caves—icy sculptures against the rugged lava rock, painting a wild picture of fiery reds meeting icy blues. It’s like something out of a sci-fi movie.

But here’s the best part: when you’re caving, you’re cozy and sheltered from the chilly Icelandic weather outside. It’s like your own secret lair!

Inside these caves, you’ll stumble upon some cool stuff—ancient stalagmites and stalactites, columns made of magma, and even the remains of underground rivers from eons ago. Some caves are like time capsules, preserving bits and pieces from Iceland’s early history, way back when folks were doing animal husbandry and all that.

And it’s not just about rocks and ice. Your guide will give you the lowdown on how these caves formed, and the tales of legendary Icelandic outlaws who used them as hideouts. There’s even a moment where they might ask you to switch off your headlamp, and trust me, you won’t believe how pitch-black it gets. It’s like another world down there.

Getting Around Iceland in November

Now, let’s talk logistics. You’ve got some cool plans for Iceland in November, but how do you get around this Nordic wonderland?

Arriving in Iceland


First things first, booking your flight to Iceland in November is a smart move. Why? Well, flights are often way cheaper compared to the summer months. Seriously, you can snag some sweet deals if you plan ahead a few months. And when I say sweet, I mean your wallet will thank you.

If you’re jetting in from the US, here’s the scoop: summer rates are usually double what you’d pay in November. So, it’s kind of a no-brainer to pick this time of year for your Icelandic adventure. And guess what? The good deals aren’t just for the US crowd. Most
international routes get in on the savings action, so everyone can cash in on the lower prices.

So why’s November such a hidden gem for hitting up Iceland? Well, it’s off-peak season, right? But honestly, that’s kinda the best part. Imagine having this epic winter wonderland practically to yourself – fewer people milling around, better deals on hotels, and just a chill vibe overall.

Transportation Options

So, you’ve just landed in Iceland, right? First thing’s first: getting around. November’s a bit of a wildcard here – think icy roads and surprise snow. While it’s all kinds of beautiful, it’s also kind of risky to drive. But here’s a little secret: the Ring Road is usually your best friend. They keep it pretty clear of snow and ice, so driving around shouldn’t be a huge drama.

Now, if you’re feeling adventurous and thinking about heading north, just a heads up – it gets a bit more wild up there. The weather can throw some real curveballs. And when you venture off the Ring Road, well, let’s just say those roads aren’t exactly high on their priority list for gritting. Translation: it can get super slippery.

If the thought of navigating icy roads makes you a bit uneasy, I’ve got a pro tip: opt for organized tours. Seriously, they’re a game-changer. You can still see all the amazing spots in Iceland, but with way less stress. It’s all about enjoying the journey without the worry of skidding on a patch of black ice. Plus, you might meet some cool fellow travelers along the way!

November Tours Operating in Iceland

You know the cool thing about Iceland in November? Most of the tours that are all the rage in summer, they’re still on! So, you’re not missing out on much. And let me tell you, winter in Iceland? It’s like seeing the country through a whole new lens. The same spots you’d hit up in summer are suddenly in this awesome winter mode – it’s like stepping into a totally different world.

And, okay, the temps can get pretty gnarly, but don’t let that scare you off. The tour folks have got you covered – literally. They hook you up with some solid thermal wear, so you can enjoy all those outdoor adventures without turning into a human popsicle. We’re talking horseback riding in the snow, scuba diving (yes, even in the cold!), and hiking up glaciers. It’s all just as epic as in summer, just with an extra layer or two.

Iceland’s November Event Highlights

November is like the golden ticket for anyone who’s really into diving deep into Iceland’s local scene – and oh boy, if you’re a music junkie, you’re in for a treat. Sure, it’s cold outside, but Reykjavik’s music scene is on fire with events that’ll totally heat things up!

Top Tips for Exploring Iceland in November

Heading to Iceland in the early winter? Awesome choice, but let me give you the lowdown so you’re not caught off guard. It’s near-Arctic territory, and trust me, you’ll want to be prepared to really enjoy your trip.

Pack your thermals

skogafoss waterfall watching

Seriously, don’t skip this. Iceland in November is like stepping into a freezer – it’s the start of winter, and the temperature only goes one way: down.

You’ll want to layer up with some solid thermal gear. The goal? Don’t let the cold mess with your fun times. And hey, while you’re at it, why not grab a “lopapeysa”? It’s this traditional Icelandic sweater that’s pretty much a national treasure. Made from lopi, the wool from Icelandic sheep, it’s like wearing a cozy, warm hug. These sheep aren’t messing around – they deal with the cold all the time, so their wool is top-notch for warmth and even keeps the wet out.

The lopapeysa isn’t just about staying warm; it’s a fashion statement with deep roots in Icelandic culture. It became a symbol of national pride back in 1944 when Iceland celebrated its independence from Denmark. Then, post-2008 financial crisis, it had another moment in the fashion spotlight.

Rocking a lopapeysa is like wearing a piece of Icelandic identity – it’s tradition and style all rolled into one. So, snagging one isn’t just practical, it’s like taking a piece of Iceland home with you.

Stay Clear of Mountainous and Gravel Roads

Alright, if you’re in Iceland in November, just a heads up: the interior highlands are pretty much off-limits. But don’t sweat it, there’s still a ton to see, especially around the Ring Road.

Now, let’s talk about driving in November. It’s a bit like playing a level in a video game where the weather’s set to ‘Extreme. ‘ You’re gonna run into thick fog, random blizzards, and the kind of rain that makes you think of movie dramatics. So, driving can get a bit dicey.

Here’s the game plan for staying safe: Keep a good chunk of space between you and the car in front. And even though those long, empty roads might tempt you to hit the gas, keep it chill and drive carefully. Trust me, it’s not worth the risk.

And hey, a big no-no in Iceland is off-road driving. It’s totally illegal. Get caught, and you’re looking at a hefty fine. It’s not just about safety; driving off-road messes up Iceland’s super fragile natural environment. So, stick to the roads – they’re there for a reason. Plus, you’ll still see loads of amazing stuff without going off-track!

Don't Bank Only on Northern Lights Viewing

So, one of the big draws of Iceland is definitely the northern lights. Everyone wants to catch a glimpse of that magical aurora, and November? It’s usually a solid bet. But here’s the thing about those dazzling lights: they’re super unpredictable. It’s like they’ve got a mind of their own, so even though you’re in prime time, it’s kind of a cosmic lottery.

Now, the folks running northern lights tours, they know their stuff. They keep an eye on the skies and will give you a heads-up if the chances of seeing the lights are looking slim. Sure, it’s a bummer if you book a tour and don’t get that epic light show, but try not to let it get you down.

Think of it as a cool night under the stars. You’re in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, learning about the night sky. It’s still an experience, right? Sometimes it’s about the journey, not just the destination. Plus, hey, it gives you a great reason to come back and try your luck again!

Delve into Reykjavik's Café Scene


Did you know Iceland is basically coffee heaven? Seriously, these folks are hardcore about their coffee. The average Icelander goes through almost 20 pounds of coffee beans each year. That’s a lot of espresso shots!

And their love for coffee? It’s next level. You can even find free coffee in places like supermarkets, banks, and some shops. Talk about hospitality! Plus, some Icelanders get extra creative and use the leftover coffee grounds as a skin scrub after a chilly swim in the North Atlantic. How cool is that?

So, when you’re wandering around downtown Reykjavik, you’ll notice something awesome: there’s a killer cafe on practically every corner. And we’re not talking your usual Starbucks or Costa. Icelandic coffee culture is all about being unique, community-focused, and super competitive.

What does this mean for you? Well, you’re pretty much guaranteed to sip some of the best, high-quality coffee in the world. It’s like every cup’s a little local masterpiece. So, get ready to join the coffee craze and maybe find your new favorite brew!

You know what’s awesome about Reykjavik’s cafes? A bunch of them offer free refills. So you can just kick back, enjoy the super creative vibe of the city, and lose track of time in a cozy corner. It’s like your own little slice of heaven!

Prepare an Itinerary

If you’re planning a trip in November, having an itinerary is a game-changer. Whether you’re there for a quick four-day trip or living it up for three weeks, a solid plan helps you make the most out of every Icelandic minute.

Robert Robertsson

Hey, I'm the founder of Airmango. My love affair with travel and entrepreneurship kicked off in 1994 in Iceland. Fast forward through two decades, and I've been lucky enough to weave my career through five different countries. Each place has left its mark on me, not just in my personal life, but in how I approach business too. With Airmango, I'm bringing all those global insights and experiences to the table – it's like seeing the world through a business lens.